Search for predicted microRNA targets in mammals         [Go to the newest version of TargetScan]
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1. Select a species    


2. Enter an Entrez Gene symbol (e.g. "LIN28")


3. Do one of the following:

  • Select a highly conserved* microRNA family

  • Select a conserved* microRNA family

  • Select a poorly conserved microRNA family

  • Enter a microRNA name (e.g. "mmu-miR-1")

    Go to TargetScan Custom if your RNA is not included in the microRNA families listed above.

  • * highly conserved = conserved across human(H), mouse(M), rat(R), dog(D), and chicken(C)
    conserved = conserved across human(H), mouse(M), rat(R) and dog(D)

    TargetScanS predicts biological targets of miRNAs by searching for the presence of conserved 8mer and 7mer sites that match the seed region of each miRNA.

    This search page of TargetScan Release 4.2 retrieves predicted regulatory targets of mammalian microRNAs. Targets are predicted using the TargetScanS algorithm and are mostly the same as those published in January 2005 (ref. 1) and presented in previous versions of the TargetScan site (Releases 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, and 4.1). In this release, the context scores, calculated as described in reference 2, are provided for each site. Because the context of the site is important for site efficacy, these scores can be used to predict site performance.

    This website considers matches to sites in the UTRs. Conserved targeting has also been detected within open reading frames (ORFs). A listing of these ORF sites can be found at the bottom of Supplemental Table 2 of reference 1.

    More information about Release 4.2

    Download all data

    1) Conserved Seed Pairing, Often Flanked by Adenosines, Indicates that Thousands of Human Genes are MicroRNA Targets
    Benjamin P Lewis, Christopher B Burge, David P Bartel.     Cell, 120:15-20 (2005).
    2) MicroRNA Targeting Specificity in Mammals: Determinants beyond Seed Pairing
    Andrew Grimson, Kyle Kai-How Farh, Wendy K. Johnston, Philip Garrett-Engele, Lee P. Lim, David P. Bartel     Molecular Cell, 27:91-105 (2007)  

    3) Prediction of Mammalian MicroRNA Targets
    Benjamin P Lewis, I-hung Shih, Matthew W Jones-Rhoades, David P Bartel, Christopher B Burge.     Cell, 115:787-798 (2003).

  • Burge lab
  • MIT Department of Biology
  • MiRscan Web Server
  • Bartel lab
  • Whitehead Institute
  • miRBase
  • Bioinformatics and Research Computing (Whitehead Institute)
  • TargetScan 4.2 has been developed and tested with the following browsers: Firefox (Windows/Mac/Linux), Internet Explorer (Windows), Safari (Mac)